Unkindness Ravens
Unkindness ravens
A flock of ravens might be called an 'unkindness' because ravens are associated with bad luck and in mythology, they are trickster animals. Many colorful collective nouns have been invented by people to reflect the characteristics ascribed to a particular animal.
What are a group of ravens called?
unkindness Raven / Collective noun
What is a kindness of Ravens?
A Kindness of Ravens is a collection of forest-edged words arrayed against the theft of meaning and the death of dreams. Find within essay on civilisation and its end, poems on gods & love, and journals from an unlikely pilgrimage each haunted by the songs of the Singers in the Darkness and the rage of the Raven King.
Is a group of ravens called a kindness?
It's thought that a group of ravens is called 'an unkindness' because back in the 19th century, many people believed that these birds weren't all that caring when it came to their young. From time to time, ravens can expel their young into the world before they're ready to fend for themselves.
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